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Implementing Comprehensive Multifaceted Professional Development:Lessons Learned from University and K-12 Partnerships


With the support of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematics Science Partnership (MSP) grant, Indiana University (IU) is currently in its third year of expanding a successful large-scale, middle school, professional development program to include elementary and secondary school mathematics teachers. Five distinct components work together to realize the partnership's goals: (1) elementary school professional development, (2) secondary school professional development, (3) middle school liaison-teacher leadership development, (4) administrator awareness, and (5) pre-service mathematics teacher education. This paper addresses conceptual and logistical challenges involved in such work, and shares our insights and strategies for meeting them. The challenges include participant recruitment, scheduling of in-service activity, compensation and/or continuing education credit, assessment of professional development, textbook adoption cycles, vertical articulation of content and pedagogy across all K-12 grades, administrator support, teacher leadership development, and resources for implementation.